Author Guideline
- The article has not been published in other media.
- The article does not contain element of plagiarism.
- The article can be a result of research or conceptual articles or the application of theory. The article can be written in Indonesian or English (preferable) for 8-25 pages including references and tables or figures.
- The article title consists of 14 words maximally.
- In the article, the author(s) name is attached and must be agreed by all authors (if the author is more than one), generally based on the contribution, and all authors are responsible for the content of the article. The article writer must include the name of the university where the authors study or the unit of work. Correspondence authors are required to include their email address.
- The article must be along with an abstract in English and Bahasa Indonesia with a maximum word count of 200-300 words in an essay format.
- INTRODUCTION must contain clearly the background of the urgency of the research and if there is a literature review it can be added to this section. The introduction must contain some relevant previous research and the author is expected to be able to show the novelty of the studies that have been done. The introduction ends with a description of the research question or hypotheses that will be answered in the study.
- THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK contains a theoretical basis for scientific theories relating to the subject matter of the study and is used in analyzing research problems, all described in a narrative manner. All sources of theory in the text use American Psychological Association (APA) style and must be included in the bibliography.
- METHOD in the article contains a description of the research method used, but does not explain the definition, it includes the type of research, the time and place of the research, research subject (the source of the data and the reasons for choosing or determining it if it is a qualitative research, population and sample if it is a quantitative research), the research procedure that describes how the research was carried out includes data collection and research instruments, as well as data analysis.
- RESULT AND DISCUSSION are the most important parts of the article, so try to make up 70% of the total article content. In this section the author must describe the results of the research or study in a clear and detailed manner. Can also be presented in the form of graphs, tables or figures, accompanied by analysis and interpretation. The discussion must contain research findings that are supported by sufficient data to be able to answer research questions or hypothesis. The results of the analysis must be able to meet the achievement of research objectives. The differences between the author’s research findings and the previous research findings is recommended to be presented. This section can be organized into several subsections.
- CONCLUSION contain clear descriptions, concise and answer the research objectives in one paragraph. Conclusion provide a clear explanation of the possible application of recommendations or suggestions related to the research findings.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT can be presented or not. This section is a statement or gratitude from the author to the parties who have helped in the research, especially funding support or research sponsorship for the author, or informing publications or research dissemination channels such as conference, seminar, symposium etc.
- Writing format systems of references is using American Psychological Association (APA) style. References that is written in the bibliography only sources cited by the author and contained in this article. Bibliography format example:
Text book:
Yang, K & Miller, G. J. (2008). Handbook of research methods in public administration. easurement and evaluation in teaching. (2nd ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Nugroho, R. (2018). Public policy. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.
Book chapter:
Richards, K. C. (1997). View on globalization. In H. L. Vivaldi (Eds), Australia in Global World. (pp. 29-43). Sydney, Australia: Century.
Wibawa, S. (2008). Good governance dan otonomi daerah. Dalam A. Dwiyanto (Editor), Mewujudkan Good Governance Melalui Pelayanan Publik. (hal. 43-94). Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Edited book:
Farazmand, A. (Ed.). (2014). Sound Governance. New York: Praeger.
Translated book:
Mansuca, S. & Viola, A. (2015) Brilliant green: the surprising history and science of plant intelligence (J. Benham, Trans.). Washington, DC: Island Press.
Robbins, Stephen P. (2006) Perilaku organisasi. (Terjemahan Benyamin Molan). Jakarta: PT Indeks Kelompok Gramedia.
Article in the journal:
Yamin, L. & Putranti, T. M. (2009). Model penyelewengan pajak menggunakan faktur pajak fiktif. Jurnal Bisnis dan Birokrasi, 16 (1), 1-7.
Article in the journal with DOI:
Apriani, F. & Zulfiani, D. (2020). Women’s leadership in Southeast Asia: looking at authentic leadership implementation potency. Policy & Governance Review, 4 (2), 116-127. doi: 10.30589/pgr.v4i2.275.
Article in the journal from database without DOI:
Avolio, B. & Gardner, W. (2005). Authentic leadership development: Geeting to the root of positive forms of leadership. Leadership quarterly, 16(3), 315-338. Diunduh dari
Paselle, E. & Apriani, F. (2018). The Development of the Indonesian Marine Sector during the Reign of Jokowi: An Analytical Study of National Ocean Policy. Prosiding, 2nd International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Application (ICTROPS) yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Mulawarman, pada 18-19 September 2018. Samarinda: Mulawarman Press.
News of the magazine or newspaper:
Abdullah, M. (2011, Desember 12). Peningkatan pelayanan kependudukan di era smart city. Kaltimpost, hal. 4.
Article in the newspaper on website:
Darby, A. (2002, Agustus 20). Rarest tiger skin a rugged survivor. Sydney Morning Herald. Diunduh dari
Article from the internet:
White, H. (2007). Problem-based learning in introductory science across disciplines. Diunduh pada 27 Maret 2007 dari
Penduduk Asia Tenggara 2019. (2019). Diunduh pada 15 November 2019 dari
Institution/Agency/Organization website:
Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur dan Reformasi Birokrasi. (2014). Strategi Nasional Reformasi Birokrasi. Diakses pada 20 Maret 2013 dari
Website document:
World Economic Forum. (2017). The global gender gap report. Diunduh pada 3 Mei 2019 dari
14. AUTHOR PROFILE is a section that can be presents a photo of the author(s) or not, describes a brief description of the authors regarding the work unit’s work, birth information, history of higher education fires and/or certain achievements that have been achieved in the academic field.